A major regeneration currently taking place at Myatts Field North in Lambeth will transform the area into a new mixed and sustainable community. The project consists of the regeneration of a large-scale new residential development, a replacement community centre, a new retail unit, refurbished residential & retail units and associated open space, to provide a more vibrant, welcoming, and greener environment for locals.
The 25-year Lambeth Myatts Field North Housing PFI project is being built by the Regenter Myatts Field North consortium, comprising Regenter, Higgins Construction, Rydon Maintenance, Pinnacle PSG and E.ON.
The existing estate is located in South West London in the London Borough of Lambeth and contains a total of 477 residential units. Of these, 100 are either leasehold or freehold, with the remainder being affordable rented properties. Of the 477 residential units 305 are currently being demolished leaving the remaining 129 to be refurbished. A further 808 new homes will be built, of these 305 will be replacement homes and 503 will be additional housing. This brings the total number of residential units on the estate to 980. All of the new homes are being built to the Code for Sustainable Homes level three. 146 new affordable units will be pre-purchased by Regenter’s RSL partner, Notting Hill Housing Association.
A sustainable Community
Sustainability is at the heart of the redevelopment with an 80 per cent planned reduction of carbon emissions. A combined heat and power plant installed on the estate will provide heating and hot water to the entire development via a district heating network.
E.ON are providing the district heating network using an “Energy Centre” located in an existing ‘submarine’ structure, which will supply heat in the form of low temperature hot water for space heating and domestic hot water. From this network, Evinox ModuSat heat interface units contained in each dwelling will convert the heat generated by the “Energy Centre” into independent, fast recovery hot water and high efficiency heating for each residence. This removes the requirement for individual boilers and a gas supply in each home.
This type of heating system provides residents with the same autonomy as if they had their own boiler and just as with their own independent heat source they pay for only the energy they use. The ModuSat heat interface units in each home incorporate an energy meter, which accurately monitors and records the energy used to provide heating and hot water. There is no requirement for a flue, gas supply or additional room ventilation in each dwelling, making installation simpler, with easy access for servicing and minimal maintenance requirements.
The regeneration will make a significant contribution to retained dwellings meeting Decent Homes standards and also provide new homes to existing residents, whilst at the same time providing for additional housing, including affordable homes.
Jeremy Bungey, Head of Community Energy at E.ON said “Working with our partners we look forward to helping create a vibrant, modern and more sustainable community, lowering residents’ energy costs and generating a lower-carbon future for the UK.”